With high indices of strength and compliance capacity in financing terms, AZLOGICA® has proven to be attractive to Capital Investors, addressing IoT needs in the market.
Within its expertise as a leader in technological development specializing in the Internet of Things, AZLOGICA®, once again, emerges as a company with strong potential in attracting investors, thanks to its solidity and suitability for generating projects. This is evident today within the exceptional context created by the pandemic and also in the future, at the governmental, private enterprise, and known strategic ally levels.
The financial strength of AZLOGICA® opens doors for investors with available capital seeking solid destinations. In this line, and within the company’s established strategies, this financial strength ensures a capital investment with excellent financial growth. Moreover, the company’s ability to contribute technology to projects supported by these funds is also secured.
The financial strength of AZLOGICA® is supported by reports from analysts and investment portals. One of the most recent reports comes from the Center for Financial Analysis Studies of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This month, as a certification, the report places AZLOGICA® as a Low-Risk company.
This recognition is related to the presentation of IoT projects seeking economic investment, processed through the First Investment Marketplace, SeSocio.com, with high-impact social projects such as its Team Manager TMCov2 application for managing the reintegration of workers after the restrictions and precautions demanded by the coronavirus pandemic.
The support given by the Argentine university adds to the company’s presence in the technical report presented at the end of 2019 by IDB Invest, GSMA, and Frost & Sullivan, titled “Preparing for the Internet of Things Disruption / Focus on Latin America.” In this report, the company is highlighted as a success case in the region, emphasizing its competitive differentials.
The report emphasizes AZLOGICA®’s ability to make customizations with a high degree of precision according to the needs of customers and available resources. It also notes the company’s continuous investment in Research and Development, independent of market maturity or income flow, and finally, it values the co-creation processes of the company, always focused on Return on Investment.
With high-range management indicators for 2020, including Net Income (cagr*) of 59%, Clients (cagr) at 33%, and an Average Profitability of 31%, AZLOGICA®’s operation also presents healthy financial indicators, measured periodically in its Balanced Scorecard, a management control method that ensures the company’s growth and sustainability over time.
AZLOGICA® has been referenced as an attractive investment by various entities, including the Investment Banking company ACTIVOS Y FINANZAS. It was selected in 2016 by INNPULSA – an entity of the Government of Colombia for Entrepreneurship – and also recognized by BANCOLDEX as one of the Best Companies to Invest in.
These entities, along with the U of Buenos Aires report, provide a concept based on Low Risk, and investment in projects is estimated to be highly attractive and beneficial for the market. Moreover, they are backed by a good capacity to pay off capital and interest according to the agreed terms and timelines, reflecting the solidity of AZLOGICA®.
Amid times of a pandemic and a widespread crisis in all economic and social spheres, and despite the daily alerts generated by the situation, AZLOGICA® continues to generate projects aimed at sustainability, reducing environmental impact, and, in the current scenario, mitigating risks caused by Covid19. This Low-Risk rating bestowed upon the company only confirms an excellent sign of financial strength and an immense ability to generate projects geared towards digital transformation. *cagr: Compound Annual Growth Rate